Of the 2.8 million traumatic brain injuries that happen every year in the U.S., a majority occur as the result of either a slip and fall accident, struck by/against events, an assault, or a motor vehicle accident. Most traumatic brain injury victims are treated in an emergency room; many are hospitalized and approximately 58,000 die each year as a result of a traumatic brain injury.
Millions of Americans have a long-term need for help to perform daily activities as a result of a brain injury. A wide range of functional activities — including language, learning, emotions, and behavior — can be adversely affected by a traumatic brain injury.
Planning for current and future financial and physical needs is vital to ensuring that a TBI victim is properly compensated for an injury. We can help you understand the potential long-term physical and emotional consequences of a TBI, protect your legal rights, and help you get proper compensation for current and future medical bills, loss of job or wages, emotional distress, pain, and suffering, or physical disfigurement.
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury as the result of an accident and are concerned about the long-term emotional and financial consequences, you need to talk to us to learn about all your options.
To find out how we can help you get the compensation you deserve when you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury, contact us here or call.
We have offices located in Chicago, Indiana, and Michigan with clients throughout the U.S. and can offer you a Free Consultation for your case.
Risk-Free Legal Representation: You Pay Nothing Until We Win.